Prove your humanity

Starting bright and early on Monday morning, Curtin’s Guild O’Week 2021 began with a welcome breakfast for all, followed by the Official Welcome to students. A delicious and warm reception to start the week.

Very fitting for this Winters weather, this O’Week featured our very own Winter Wonderland right here on campus.  A snow-filled Welcome Village where students could relax, eat and get creative. Offering free crafts every day, students had the opportunity to decorate their tote bag, notebook, Keepcup and gingerbread. Served throughout the week, there was free hot chocolate, soup and pasta to warm up!

Once again, the Friend Speed Dating took place, where students were able to connect with others on campus, have a laugh and walk away with a new friend.

Although a rainy one, the 2021 Guild O’Week allowed students to explore campus, mingle, meet new people and enjoy free activities and awesome giveaways. Another successful week!


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